Bipolar Nebula NGC 6164-6165

copyright Robert Gendler and Steve Crouch 2008

To read about this object click here

For a larger image click on image or desired viewing size 


1200 X 1071


1600 X 1428


2000 X 1785

Full Resolution Crop

Composite Image 5 Hours LRGB, 4 Hours Hydrogen Alpha

Hydrogen Alpha Data acquired by Steve Crouch

Image Processing by Robert Gendler

14.5" RCOS and 12.5" RCOS, STL11000





Image acquired from Fair Dinkum Skies, Western Australia

(An affiliation of New Mexico Skies and Pingelly Heights Observatory)

Image data acquired remotely using CCDAutoPilot2

RCOS 14.5" RC f/9 Carbon Truss Ritchey-Chrétiens with RCOS Field Flattener / Corrector.

Software Bisque Paramount ME, SBIG STL-11000XM

